Friday, August 23, 2024

A Tremendous Trio

As Piper and I were out walking a couple mornings ago, we encountered some very handsome fellows out for a walk of their own. 


There are rewards for getting up particularly early - it opens up entirely new possibilities for chance meetings. 

All three were beautiful, and antlers still covered in velvet are always extra impressive. They look even bigger than they really are. 

Piper got to study them for quite a while as they checked her out. She even sat down on the trail and watched them quietly, as I snapped some pictures. Eventually, they all turned back around and disappeared into the woods again. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Field of Feathers and Fur

There are so many wonderful little creatures living their unobtrusive lives out in the field and they are so easy to overlook. I try to pay attention to small movements or changes of light as Piper and I walk along and, sometimes, I am rewarded with a special treat. 

For example, I spotted a chipping sparrow bringing a tasty bug home for the youngsters in the nest - and it even held still long enough for a photo. 

A song sparrow posed quite charmingly with ripening mulberries. 

Spotted knapweed provided a colorful foreground to this red squirrel perched on a fencepost, eating breakfast. 

So, while Piper noses around looking for bunnies and ground squirrels, I try to cast an eye around to see what interesting things I might be able to spot. (Obviously, she spotted the red squirrel, too.)


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Getting Satisfaction on Sunday

 Finally, the big (or little) reveal! First our original clue:

Then, we have the zoomed hint:

The little mystery you're looking for is pretty well centered from top to bottom, but is a bit to the right of center when measuring from side to side. 

This cheeky chipmunk was far enough from the trail that it felt safe standing in the open to watch our progress along the path. Piper had no trouble spotting it, though she can do some fancy cheating with her excellent nose! 

I hope you enjoyed this minor weekend diversion. :)

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday's Second Installment

As usual, we begin with a reminder of yesterday's clue, so you don't have to backtrack. 

As an aside, it was a lovely walk, with the sun filtered through the leaves, giving everything a soft glow. 

Then, here's the second clue, zoomed in on our mystery, just a bit. :)

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Friday Morning Mystery

The world is a mysterious place and there are all kinds of wonders hidden in plain sight, if we keep our eyes open. Piper always keeps her eyes open - and her nose on high alert!

So, here's the first clue teaser for today's little diversion. We hadn't done one of these in a couple weeks, so I thought it might be fun. :)

Friday, August 2, 2024

More Welcome Wild Things

I had no idea spider squeamishness was so prevalent. So, to make amends for the discomfort, we will wander around and look for wildflowers together this morning. 

This Queen Anne's Lace flower with its halo of spotted knapweed made a pretty combination. 

Piper took a rest among the daisies and knapweed out in the field. 

Chicory is blooming all along the roadside. I love the serrated petal edges. 

This bumblebee collected quite a lot of pollen from the mullein flowers. 

I'm not entirely sure what this flower is, but I love the burst of stamens - each flower looks like a little celebration. I'll have to get out my wildflower books and look this little beauty up. :)