Thursday, April 8, 2021

Draw a Bird Day

Every year on April 8, I celebrate Dorie Cooper and Draw a Bird Day.  If you haven't heard of Dorie, she's worth looking up and learning about. I get bleary-eyed every time I read her story, which I did again this morning. So, even though I have neglected the blog for a long time and still haven't done the second round of butterfly rescue photos, I had to stop by and encourage everyone to draw a bird today in honor of Dorie. 

It doesn't have to be a masterpiece (witness this quick sketch of a singing meadowlark with a head that's too small and no detail to speak of sketched in for the wings yet - drawn on the back of  scrap paper discarded invoice from Stampeaz, no less). But, I encourage you to take a minute to use your favorite search engine to read about Dorie today and draw a bird in honor of the big-hearted girl who cheered injured soldiers and had such a short but meaningful life! It's a reminder that it's not always the brilliant or strong or successful ones that make a difference in the world. Little things matter. 

Happy Draw a Bird Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure wish I had seen this on the 8th! I'm putting it on my calendar for next year, and I'll make myself a note to share what I draw with you. What a sweet, perpetual tribute to that young one. Thank you for sharing yours.