Friday, February 8, 2019

Happy Birthday, Stampeaz!

While walking Baloo earlier, I realized that February 8th is the 13th anniversary of my opening the cyber-doors of That was sort of a mind-boggling revelation and one that seemed to invite a party!

So, to celebrate 13 years of sending cool carving stuff around the world and getting to know so many great carvers, printmakers and generally wonderful people, I'm having a one day 13% off sale on Tan-Z Kut. I think I figured out how to set up the store software to do this all automatically, but just in case I goofed somehow, know that I'll fix anything that doesn't go according to plan!

Thank you all for a great 13 years. It feels like a pretty lucky number today!


Mole said...

You're the best! Happy birthday of your great adventure!

Ryan said...

I can't wait until the 100th year discount!!!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you around!