Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Feeling Frisky

This trail camera capture during the December thaw gave me a chuckle and it just seemed fair to see if it might do the same for you. 

In the background, there's a buck running full tilt after a doe that doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. He is quite determined, though. Then, in the foreground and watching the action, is a second doe looking rather bemused by the mad dash as they fly by.  (Click on the picture, if you want to enlarge it.)

I have said it before, but oh, how I love these candid glimpses into wildlife life. :)


Anonymous said...

Too funny ! I can hear the standing doe saying, "hey what's with the ruckus?"

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee PS Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

And the other one saying "don't just stand there, help me"


Webfoot said...

I know! The picture definitely invites captions, doesn't it? Hugs to you both! :)