Friday, March 15, 2024

Let Sleepy Swans Float

While out on an afternoon walk, I went by the boat launch and spent a some time admiring a pair of swans lazily floating along in the sunshine.

They didn't seem at all bothered by me and went about their preening and primping.

It was a very peaceful little scene.

So peaceful, in fact, that one of the swans decided to take a nap. The other one looked like it was getting ready to join in the snoozing.

But, a couple of fishermen came to the launch to put their boat into the water and the swans woke up and swam off.

All the preening and primping obviously paid off, though, because they both looked quite beautiful as they went gliding off into deeper waters. 


Anonymous said...

beautiful pair!!!


Webfoot said...

Thanks, Sheila! They were fun to watch. :)