Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Trail Cam Tuesday

I have been meaning to share a few trail camera pictures that were captured on the family property over the last couple months. It's always fun to see who is sneaking around at night while we are back at the house instead of wandering the trails to see them going about their business.


Momma bobcat had a successful season, raising a pair of youngsters and teaching them the finer points of night stalking.

There were also several young coyotes we caught trying to make their way, once their parents had turned them loose to fend for themselves.

The different trail cameras actually caught quite a few pictures of them as they tried to learn to hunt.

Black bears also made a few appearances in various spots. I am just as happy to have missed an encounter with one of them - especially the enormous male. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

How close are the trail cams to your house? I ask, because I would be a little uncomfortable if bears and coyotes (and probably bobcats too) regularly walked through my yard !

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

We have had bears and coyotes in the yard (and the bears have dismantled the bird feeders on a number of occasions), but so far we haven't had any bobcats in the yard - at least we haven't seen any tracks. Oh, and if you look carefully at the bobcat picture, you can see the second baby trailing along behind its mom and sibling. :) Hugs right back!!