Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year!

It's that time again -- already!

A brand new, shiny year feels a little like a pristine supply of #2 pencils and blank notebook paper at the start of a new school year.

Setting new goals (or revisiting old ones that haven't been accomplished - yet), fresh hopes and plans.

I don't have any big resolutions - just things I'd like to keep working on. Things like continuing to improve mandolin playing and harmony singing, carving new images for printmaking, and chipping away at organizing my house - it got out of hand in a few places, somehow.... 

If you are thinking of any goals or plans, I wish you success. And generally, I wish  you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024!!




Anonymous said...

Happy New Year
🥳 🥂 🍾 🥂 🥳

That picture of new #2s and a blank notebook is me today. I am going to try bullet journaling for the first time. I am going to use it more of a lists kind of thing and not a planner. So starting is kind of scary, don't want to "mess it up."


Anonymous said...

Did you take the pics of the fireworks? They are grand!

Happy New Year and hugs to ya ! From betsyLee

Webfoot said...

Sheila, I had to look up bullet journaling. I hadn't heard of that before. I have to say that it sounds kind of complicated to set up. I'll be interested to hear how you like it as you get going with the process and if it works well for you. :)

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee. Yes, I did take the fireworks pictures - it wasn't this year's display, though. I wanted to publish the post exactly at midnight, so I couldn't use the light show from this year. Hugs right back to you!