Monday, August 14, 2023

Pristine Pili-Pala

Quite frequently, the monarch butterflies I see fluttering around have seen some rough days. They often have chunks missing from their wings or look like the scales have gotten blown off as they've been buffeted by the winds of life.

So, I was particularly pleased to see this beautiful butterfly looking like it was newly emerged from its chrysalis.

Its wings were brilliant orange and free from wear and tear. I was also taken with the soft fur along its abdomen.

Monarchs seem to be a bit scarce this year, so I've been celebrating every sighting!!

Oh! And the title of today's post? Pili-Pala is the Welsh word for butterfly, in case you were curious.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I so enjoy seeing butterflies and hummingbirds in my gardens, along with other pollinators.


ps have a great week!

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Sheila! I hope you have a great week, too!

Neet said...

Beautiful, beautiful.
Would make a great carved stamp.

Webfoot said...

Neet, you read my mind. I was thinking the same thing. :)