Friday, August 11, 2023

Back Yard Bluster

This little sweetheart and his mother have been coming around from time to time for a visit in my back yard.

While there, they have a tendency to take advantage of many tasty goodies growing along their way.

It's a good thing that they're so cute, because I'm still pretty put out that they've managed to chew most of my hostas down to the ground, eat every single leaf off the hollyhocks and destroy most of the daylilies (they wait until the flowers are getting ready to open and eat them before they can bloom - they must be sweetest at that stage of development).

I'm not sure what caused them to go on alert. Whatever it was seemed to be in my neighbor's yard. The really cute part was that the little guy started joining his mother in stomping and chuffing to let everyone know there was possible trouble brewing. I'm not sure he really knew what the blustering and blowing was all about, but it seemed terribly important to be part of it all.

After a few minutes of sounding the alarm, they finally trotted off to find cover. It was fun to see the youngster learning the ropes of being a proper deer (even if that did include garden destruction).


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