Friday, August 18, 2023

Captivating Commuters

The southward migration of hummingbirds (and other birds as well) has begun. This means there is an influx of hummers taking advantage of flowers and feeders all along their flight path.

Every now and then, they will find a place to alight and guard their flowers, while taking a break from aerial jousting matches.

I don't know - is this one sticking her tongue out at a competitor for her nectar, or is she licking her... lips?

I can't even imagine the amount of energy expended by these tiny powerhouses. They seem to be in motion almost all the time and their rest breaks are very short, especially since they fly into attack mode at the first sign of any territorial intruder.

A brief pause for preening is essential from time to time, though. 

I haven't had very many hummingbirds this year, but the migration and the blooming of my butterfly bush have coincided and finally attracted a few of these feisty little sweeties. They are so much fun to watch!


Anonymous said...

At my house they love my Black and Blue Salvia, Hummingbird Forest Fire Salvia, Hot Lips Salvia, Hosta, Cardinal Flower, and wand flowers. Sometimes I will see them on my Lantana, Garden Phlox, Butterfly Bush, Pincushion, Zinnia. Who knows what else they sneak a sip at that I miss. I rarely see them at my feeders. I guess I have enough of their favorites they choose flowers over feeder.

July, August and September are my busiest months to see them. Earlier the females are too busy building the nest, laying eggs and raising the young all by herself.


Anonymous said...

My step Grandmother believed that hummingbirds rode on the backs of geese to migrate, then returned in the spring the same way. She was adamant. Oh the arguments the folks used to get into over Thanksgiving dinner about the topic, lo those many years ago.

Fun times, fun fun times...

hugs from bEtsyLee

Webfoot said...

Sheila, it sounds like you have a fantastic pollinator garden! I'll bet you have a double feast for the eyes. First, the flowers are beautiful and then you have all kinds of visitors to enjoy in the bargain! It sounds lovely.

Webfoot said...

BetsyLee, my brother said he's heard that story about the migration of hummingbirds, too. It was a new one to me. I love stories like that! :) Hugs right back to you!