Friday, December 9, 2022

Further Friday Frivolity

Well, it was unanimous. The response to last Friday's puzzle picture was entirely positive and there were requests for more foolishness.

So, here we go. Do you see anything interesting in this picture? (This one's much harder than last week's puzzler - at least, I thought so. It took me a while to figure it out in real time!) I may have to do the reveal in installments, as it happened for me.


Anonymous said...

well, looks like a swan or egret feather floating on the duck weed.

then, there is the central waterlily, that off to the right and a bit lower, looks like something has its nose/eyes just above the water, but still under the duck weed.

I like the idea of slow reveals.


Webfoot said...

All very good observations, Sheila. Tomorrow will bring the next installment. :)