Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is safe and warm out there! Plans sort of changed around here with the big storm, but I did get the house decorated and ready for celebrations. Here's one of my favorite parts of the holiday decor.

The puffins are decoys that are used to attract puffins to places like Egg Rock for nesting and raising young pufflings.  I think they are wonderful works of art in their own right - and they also work! Puffin numbers have been increasing and the efforts of folks that work on the Puffin Project are making a difference. The decoys are hand painted and actual puffin size and I just had to surround them with some holiday cheer.

The blocks are linoleum blocks my mother carved for Christmas cards many years ago. Since I'm the block printer in the family now, I keep these safe and bring them out for all of us to admire every year. As it turns out, I come by my printmaking obsession honestly.

And, of course, the paw print in the middle of the ribbon is Baloo's - he has to keep his hand - er - paw in the festivities. 

Very best wishes for a Merry Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas too!!!

What a very beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing with us.


Anonymous said...

The linoleum blocks are beautiful. I have a couple I carved about 40 years ago. Maybe I need to display them :) Merry Christmas to you, too!