Sunday, January 12, 2025

What's Been Happening?

As most of you know, I've been away and helping out at the family homestead while my brother was recovering from surgery. For some reason, this round was harder than the last one, but he's doing well and is back on his feet (if not quite up to his usual speed). 

There's a lot of catching up to do! I had to close down the shipping end of Stampeaz while I was away, and a few people placed orders and have been waiting patiently for their carving and printing supplies to be sent their way.  I've been slicing Tan-Z Kut, packing up orders and generally catching up on all the things that have been waiting for me here at home.  I believe that most of the backlog will be out the door tomorrow. There are a couple orders that might need a little additional attention, but they'll be on their merry way soon, too. 

So, I finally took a minute to sit down and think about the blog again. I thought a good reboot might be a few spectacular trail camera captures of bald eagles. 

There is a pair of these majestic birds hanging around the family land and I hope that means they'll be nesting nearby.

As usual, clicking on the pictures will enlarge them. 

I particularly liked this one - that wingspan is quite something and I'm just glad that intense predatory focus is not trained on me! 

Happy belated New Year! I hope it brings you health, happiness, peace and prosperity.