Thursday, October 10, 2024

Familiar Fall Friends

This time of year, the marsh area I love to visit has quite a few visitors to watch as they take a break on their way south. I can also catch the last few sightings of those that have raised families over the summer and are getting ready to hibernate or hightail it to warmer climes. 

Madame Wood Duck is always shy, so it's a special treat to get to see her. She was way out in the water, so I had to zoom in pretty hard. That's probably why she kept paddling and preening. 

An egret took flight from a tangle of cattails and brush and it was beautiful to see its bright white plumage in contrast to the trees. 

Speaking of white, fall fungi have been less prevalent this year, since it has been so dry, but every little rain will make a few pop. This one created a lovely white on white arrangement, growing on a birch tree. 

And, of course, flocks of geese are gathering and honking almost continuously as they jockey for position in the line flying south. 

It's fun to watch them shift position and form their classic V flight pattern. 


Anonymous said...

A wood duck among water lily flowers - how lovely ! I've been watching a few of those white shelves growing on a birch tree across the road. I appreciate all your pics. :^)

Hugs to ya, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Thank you, BetsyLee! I thought you'd like that little white shelf mushroom. :) Hugs right back!

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous ! I can read your message just fine, but you need to 'sign' your message so we know who you are. The links are not highlighted, so I can't just click on them to see them, if that's what you intended. I'm sure you'll get it all worked out. :^) Hugs from BetsyLee