Friday, February 2, 2024

Here Comes the Sun!

Yes, it's Groundhog Day! One of my favorite days of the year. It's the day that falls smack dab in the middle between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. That means, as of today, the days begin getting longer faster. We've reached the steep part of the bell curve of day length.  It's already noticeable, but we're going to start gaining minutes instead of seconds every day. 

So, whether the groundhog sees a shadow today or not, it's definitely a day to celebrate. We've made it through the darkest weeks of our annual spin around our star and sunnier days are ahead. 

Some years ago, I carved a groundhog crawling out of its burrow to check on its shadow. I even wrote a silly couplet and carved that, too. I sent quite a few prints out as cards and some of you may have received one. Hmmm.... maybe next year I'll pull those old carvings out and print one to post in celebration of the day. :)

Anyway, I invite you to celebrate one of my favorite holidays with me. Happy Groundhog Day!!


Anonymous said...

At the gravel mine where I worked years ago, a big rock wall ran the length of the very long driveway, and there were many woodchuck dens along the wall. Every spring and summer, groups of baby woodchucks would come out on the driveway and play in the sun, chasing each other and ramming around. I would look out the drive, and see them running, and think how much they looked like leaves blowing wind back and forth in the wind. :^)

It's one of the few good memories of working there.

Hugs to ya, thanks for the woodchuck pics! BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

Watching the way woodchucks move is very entertaining. This little guy was the baby at the family homestead last summer. I have some trail cam night pictures that I need to find and post sometime. :) Hugs to you, too.