Sunday, November 5, 2023

Candid Camera Strikes Again

I've been recovering from a case of whatever creeping crud has been circulating in my area, so I haven't been out on any walks.  I am, however, feeling well enough this morning to share a group of trail camera flight pictures that I liked - you  know how I am with action photos, right?

This dove is coming in for a perfect landing right in front of the camera. Nice form!

Here's a blue jay making its exit with flair.

The blue jays frequently feed right in front of the cameras, so there are lots of good pictures of them taking off or landing. 

They also seem to travel in packs, so a whole flock will come in or fly away in unison.

I particularly like pictures that capture the sun shining through their feathers to reveal wing structure. My brother and I enjoy perusing each day's photos with our morning coffee when I'm down on the river and I save some fun ones to put here on the blog or study for future carving inspiration.

Of course, the rabbit in mid-flight had to be included here.

Who knows why these pictures tickle me so much - I guess I just love the candid nature of them.

Most of these were out in the yard by the feeders.

But, the barn camera caught a blue jay flying straight toward it while applying wing flap deceleration.

Although I've never seen a yellow-shafted flicker on a trail camera before, I appreciate this one giving us such a good view of his necklace, spotted breast and even mustache, if you look closely. Also, the sun shining through his feathers really highlights the reason for his name. This one was also taken by the barn camera.

Finally, the self-portrait aspect of the trail cameras frequently serves up a good laugh.  I present a case in point. :)

Okay, back to the couch with a cup of tea for me. I recommend avoiding whatever I have contracted. It's nasty!


Anonymous said...

hope you are feeling much better very soon!!!!

these are amazing photos. so fun to see them in action. I have lots of blue jays in my yard. they are so much fun to watch. I used to have more until the neighbor behind me took out a whole row of trees and ornamentals along her property line.


Anonymous said...

Great pics, the flicker is very interesting and the bluejays self portrait so cracked me up!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! these action/flight photos are amazing! I just loved looking through them! Glad you are feeling better!


Anonymous said...

Wow, the belly of a flying flicker !! I've not seen that in all my life. It's spotty. Cool. Thank you so much for the fun fun pics. Wow.

hugs to ya from BetsyLee

Anonymous said...

"Wow, the belly of a flying flicker !! "

Right!!! Looks like a QR code.


Anonymous said...

"QR code" Heh heh :^D

hugs to ya from Betsylee

Webfoot said...

Thanks, everyone! It's nice to know I'm not the only one with an appreciation for odd action photos. I may have to hunt around and find a few more as I recover from the crud. :)