Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Surreal Sunset

Occasionally, there is a sunset so spectacular and unusual that it defies description.


I thought this one was worth sharing and I hope you think so, too.

Walking along and watching the colors develop as the sun sank lower in the sky was awe inspiring.

I kept thinking that if I were to try and paint that sky, nobody would believe it was real.

I swear that I didn't doctor these photos at all, except to crop them so they would upload a little faster.

Seriously, the clouds really did that and the colors were incredible. (The silhouette of the late evening fishing boat out on the bay added a little interest to the foreground toward the end of the spectacle, too.)


Anonymous said...

Those are amazing photos!!!

loving this way to end my day. thank you


Anonymous said...

That's incredible color! And you have a geat camera that could capture the color.

Woodland Paws

Webfoot said...

Thank you, Sheila and Woodland Paws! It was an amazing sunset - and I couldn't believe the way the clouds sort of separated into patches of different shades of red, orange and yellow. Sort of a 'paint by numbers' kind of a sky. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That sunset looks like it was taken from another planet -- gorgeous! I especially liked your first photo with the silhouetted hanging branches framing the red blazing orb. Nature does have a flare for the dramatic! Thanks for sharing!👏😁

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Such gorgeous colors and "brush stroke" clouds.
Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Webfoot said...

Thanks, PixiePam and Shooz - it really was one for the books. :)