Monday, September 25, 2023

Field to Table

In the spirit of more fungal frivolity to start the week (although I'm not sure I can make Mushroom Mondays go on much past the first freeze), I thought I would share a successful mushroom hunt.

My brother and I checked a few spots where we've found chanterelles growing in the past, since they seem to have favorite environments where they appear from time to time, when the conditions are right.

It's always a thrill to spot patches of bright yellow in the woods (although, sometimes aspen leaves that have fallen early can trick a person)! As you can see, we had some excellent luck and found a couple blooms that made our efforts quite worthwhile.

We shared some of the bounty with an Amish elder that loves mushrooms and sometimes shares some of the shiitake mushrooms he grows on logs harvested from our family property for that purpose.

Each of us kept a beautiful bag of chantrelles to take home for future fungal feasting.

It's nice to have a few little packages in the freezer to break out for a special meal. 



Anonymous said...

Your chanterelles look very nice ! One of the trails I use has bushels of them growing along it, but I'm not tempted. They always have duff splashed up on them, PLUS have you seen what crawls on them ??? And in them ?? You must have a good way to clean them up because the ones you show look so lovely and clean.

Hugs to ya, and thanks for the pics, from BetsyLee

Webfoot said...

The trick is to find them before the slugs do, BetsyLee. We don't adopt the buggy ones - they can stay out in the woods to spread spores for the next generation! Hugs right back to you!