Monday, June 5, 2023

Snow White on the Green

Flowers are blooming everywhere, in spite of dry conditions - there are quite a few bright, white blooms gracing the woodlands these days. We've been under red flag fire warnings for weeks now, but nature keeps on doing her thing.

It's quite encouraging, really. The exuberant foamflower likes shady areas, so it isn't quite so stressed by dry conditions.

Wild strawberries seem to thrive even in hot, dry sand. I'm not entirely sure how they make those juicy berries without water, but they must drink morning dew or something.

Trilliums are shade lovers, too. I often see them blooming when hunting for morels in the spring. They were a little late this year, since cold weather kept them dormant longer than usual, but they're just on the edge of finishing their blooming cycle now.

And no, my brother and I didn't find many morels this year - we tried, though. It was just too dry for the little beauties. We'll hope for a better harvest next year (we always do).


Anonymous said...

My foamflower didn't make it through the winter. I was looking at my gardens yesterday. Checking to see where I needed to add something and I noticed this big hole. And then, looking the area over, I was like ... NO! I took care of that spot 2 years ago and it is gone.


Webfoot said...

Oh, Sheila! I'm sorry you lost your foamflower. They're so pretty. You said there was a big hole. Did something dig them up?

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, not an actual hole in the ground. A "hole" in the garden design, as in a large missing plant spot/space. I have no clue what happened to it. Maybe lack of good, consistent snow cover this year???
