Friday, March 24, 2023

A Small Saturday Solution

 Here's the reminder of yesterday's puzzle picture.

If you look carefully, just below the center of the picture and a bit to the left, you can see a little head peeking up above the edge of a very large nest.

I had seen both parents and babies in the nest a few years ago while Baloo and I were out walking, but I had not seen any nesting activity since then, so I was very excited to see some brooding going on. As I watched, the other parent flew in to check on things - and probably on me, too. I don't know which is mom and which is dad, since they take turns caring for the eggs and hunting, but the female usually does more of the egg-sitting, from what I've read.

Then, as I walked on my way, the one that came in to guard its mate flew off again - probably in pursuit of something good to eat. It was quite a treat to see them. When the leaves come out, they'll be pretty thoroughly hidden, so I am grateful I got to see them while waiting for spring to burst forth in all its glory.

It's amazing how big an eagle's nest is. My sister likens it to seeing a Volkswagen van in a tree.




Anonymous said...

Ha ! I see it now. Cool. Thanks again for the fun. :^)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like that reference to its size. There is one very near me. However, there isn't a spot to pull over and watch it. I just see it and know what it is. No walking to it as it is in a marshy area near the river. I would say those parents did a great job in securing a piece of property to build their home.


Webfoot said...

Thanks, BetsyLee! Even looking for it, I nearly missed that eagle tucked in and keeping the eggs warm and safe. I kept seeing the little head bump, though, and did double and triple takes until I was convinced!

Sheila, the nests are enormous, aren't they? There has to be another one down near my sister's house, but I haven't found it yet. I'll probably shake my head at my blindness when I finally do spot it. I've seen a pair of eagles in the area so often that I am convinced it has to be there somewhere!