Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Fanciful Fungus

I noticed this charming mushroom nestled in a bed of moss on the stump of a tree and  in the shade of a young tree that had grown out of and around the remains of its parent. 


It looked quite regal and comfortable on its grand throne and bright green cushion and I fancied that it might be a perfect shelter for some tiny, magical creature. 

Imagine my delight when I looked in my mushroom identification books and decided that it must be a Dryad's Saddle. It's always so satisfying when the flights of my imagination are supported in any degree by reality. 

One of the books also said that it smelled and tasted like watermelon rind. I confess that I didn't give it a sniff test, since I didn't know this at the time and I didn't want to disturb its repose.


Anonymous said...

Dryad's Saddles are so cool. It isn't a stretch to imagine some critter sitting on it or sheltering under it!

Thanks for the reminder of the magic in the woods!

BetsyLee :^)

Anonymous said...

Love the composition of your photo with all of the tall, straight trees standing at attention, guarding the "royal," enchanted residence.

thank you