Saturday, September 10, 2022

More Babies in the Bean Patch

I came down to the family homestead for Labor Day to sing in a benefit concert with my brother and along the way, we downloaded some more pictures from the trail camera in the bean patch. There are some more great bird pictures.... And more babies!

This song sparrow loved being front and center. I downloaded and saved dozens of fun pictures of it foraging right at center stage. I thought I would prepare and share just a few today, since I haven't posted for a little while. (I ended up contracting the evil Covid and have been unfit for much of anything this past week, but at least I have very good company - my brother ended up with rebound Covid, which is how I caught it. I can't believe he came back for a second helping - it's not that much fun!) 

Sometimes, the sparrow was joined by a youngster or two that begged for delicious tidbits. You can see the little, short tail feathers that haven't grown to their full glory yet.

Being undersized and awkward doesn't slow this little one down much. It can still keep track of its food source and follow along quite handily. 

I love it when there's a really good action picture. I can just imagine mom wanting to escape junior for just a little while, achieving liftoff and preparing to fold in the landing gear.

Here's the other end of the spectrum, with landing equipment fully extended, getting ready for a gentle touch down. 

 And this one was just darling. The little guy zeroing in to claim a grasshopper reward for a well executed flight plan. Once again, the nearly nonexistent tail makes me grin. 

Then, just for extra smiles, I had to include this earnest little dove that stepped in front of the camera for a soft focus close-up. Very Hollywood. 

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