Friday, July 10, 2020

Equine Offspring

When I take Baloo for walks in the woods to the north of our house, we pass several places where horses, mules, goats and burros (and even some really big dogs) reside. Seeing them grazing, cavorting or even just laying around out in the fields is always a pleasure. 

This year, there are several new denizens of the various paddocks along our way. 

The place that has the really big dogs (Great Pyrenees, I think) also has a number of horses, both standard and miniature varieties. Two of the full-sized mares have had foals this year and they're beautiful little beasts. I occasionally see them frisking around together, but they never stray far from their dams. 

There's another place we pass along our route, though, and it has a herd of burros. I have to admit that my favorite of the equine youngsters this year might be the baby burro. This is the first year I have seen a baby among them and it's just such a little cutie. Sometimes, it's completely sacked out in the burro-sized sand pit, while its mom and the rest of the herd munch peacefully around it. 

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