Friday, November 15, 2019

Showing Up....

Where on earth have I been? In the studio, making and clip framing lots of images for a juried holiday art show. 

These are a few of my pieces that are in the show, "Big Group, Small Works", which opened last Saturday and runs until January 1, 2020. I'm pretty excited (now that I've recovered) and I really hope some of my work sells. 

One wall of the gallery is going to be filled with 6 x 6  inch works, sort of like an Instagram wall (I don't do Instagram, so I'm not really familiar with that). Another wall will be filled with 4 x 4 inch art. The idea is to have a display of small, affordable pieces of original art, so people can give gifts of art for the holidays. Pretty cool idea, right? 


foxfriend said...

Stunning! They should sell like crazy.

Webfoot said...

Thanks, foxfriend! Fingers crossed! :)

FROG said...

stunningly detailed carves!

Webfoot said...

Thanks, FROG! It's funny that I frequently have a short, little attention span, but put a carving tool in my hand and I tend to get very focused and lost in the cuts. Baloo has to remind me it's time to get up and take a walkie - or feed him dinner!

fiddlekat said...

Wonderful idea, beautiful art!

ArtGekko said...

Those are gorgeous!! I hop the show went well for you! :)