Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Fruits and Flora

So, just in case you've had quite enough birds for now, thank you, I thought I would go with some fruited winter flora.

The elongated hanging cones on the big spruce trees in the park remind me of holiday ornaments, especially with the garlands of grape vines and the flocking of snow.  The squirrels are beginning to tear these apart with abandon. I see lots of the little, individual seed covers strewn all over the ground beneath these trees, along with the empty cores. 

I thought the red sumac drupes were quite dramatic against the gray and white background. .

Like the sumac, Michigan holly has brilliant red fruit that also stays on the plant long after the leaves have fallen. It is a great food source for robins, mockingbirds, bluebirds and cedar waxwings, all of which are beginning to work their way back north again.

See? I just had to get the birds in there somehow, didn't I?

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