Monday, May 27, 2013

Good Thoughts for that Chicken...

I was going to try and post a fun chicken update this week, since I got some good pictures and there's lots to tell.  Unfortunately, I'll hold off for now and hope for the best.  My brother and sister-in-law's pet chicken was attacked yesterday by a dog that was running loose through the yard.  He bit her back and pulled out all her tail feathers.  My sister-in-law had to pull the chicken out of the dog's mouth and she's pretty badly injured, but she made it through the night with lots of ministration, antibiotics and determination.  That's one tough little bird.

So, hope for the best along with me - and if all goes well, look for a chicken update or two.   


Anonymous said...

How awful!!!

Best wishes for Chickens speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear!
Hoping for a full recovery for the poor hen!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor chicken.... hope she has a complete and speedy recovery. She didn't survive almost freezing to death to succumb to a dog attack! (And, may I say, I have no patience for dogs running loose!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor chicken! Every time I see your name pop up somewhere on AQ I think of that sweet chicken....I hope she makes a complete recovery.

Webfoot said...

Thank you for the good thoughts. The chicken is still holding her own. She's lost all but one tail feather, all the feathers on her back and has some pretty bad wounds on her back where the dog grabbed her.

Mama Cache said...

Sad chapter of the chicken chronicles -- so sorry. *hug*

Hopeful, though, that this amazing bird will be restored to health and vigor!