Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Still Life...

I spent a good part of the day trying to reclaim part of my house! It has been thoroughly trashed by the construction process -- everything both upstairs and down has been coated with several kinds of dust. I vacuumed all the floors and wiped down the furniture I could reach (there's still a lot of stuff from the basement in piles upstairs, so I can't get to a lot of it). The dining room area windows were done, so that corner could be set up for use again. What a relief!

When I got it finished, I took a break to practice fiddle for the first time in a long time and while I was playing, a nice woman from church drove up with a beautiful bouquet. She told me that, since I had a birthday this past week, I was chosen to receive some of the altar flowers! What a nice treat! When I put the fiddle down and placed the flowers on the table, it looked so much like a perfect still life that I thought I should take a picture and share it!!


David Baril Jr. said...

So you must be around 22 years old now!

Goofy girl said...

****Throws confetti, releases balloons and rolls out the cake***

Yes I agree with Dave you are only 22!!

Mama Cache said...

Last week? ;-(

Happy, happy belated birthday, my friend. I'll have to get that on the calendar for next year.

Glad you got to spend some more time with your fiddle. I think about you often, especially when I see the bluegrass festival signs -- or mushrooms, of course (which are growing in a pile of leaves I step over on my way to Curves) -- and when I take out a fresh slab of carving material -- and when I saw a puffin -- want me to go on? ;-)

Casa del Sol said...

Happy Birthday lady! Hope you had a chance to celebrate in the midst of all that's going on. :)

Ryan said...

I would have loved to see the contrast had a chicken been walking through the picture.... =)

-- Ryan

Jimmy said...

Nice pic.

Happy Birthday!


Nijihanko said...

Hi, just visit ur website, will order from you soon...
Oh ya, I come from Malaysia, a person like carving stamp.