I'm behind posting pictures - these are from a couple weeks ago (as it turns out, life just keeps on happening). I've been taking quite a few photos along my walks with Piper, but haven't taken the time to download them from the camera and get them sized for the blog. Sorry about that....
So, today's adventure is, as the title suggests, appreciative of autumn. The Eastern phoebes have mostly flown to warmer climes, and we can look forward to them coming back next spring. While I often hear them in the treetops, I rarely get to see them during the summer when the foliage is more dense and, even when I do, they're moving way too fast for me to focus! Flycatchers are like that...
Leaves have been a little more muted this year, since it's been so dry, but it's still beautiful to see the reds and golds. I always say that Mother Nature gives us the brilliance of autumn to remember through the gray winter months, until the fresh greens start to reappear!
Kingfishers are moving southward, too, but they stop along the way to take advantage of local fishing areas as they rest and refuel for their journey.
This one held still long enough for me to zoom in for a closer look. That hardly ever happens. They like to dive and look for tasty tidbits and if they notice me pointing a camera in their direction, they fly to the other side of the marsh, just to spite me (or they may simply have another appointment and it just seems that way).
I hope you don't mind that some of the upcoming posts will end up being way out of sequence and season, because I have a couple really good ones to put together from back in August, when I was busy helping at the family homestead and didn't have much time to do anything computer related. (I know -- teaser...) :)