Happy Valentine's Day!
It seemed appropriate to start Valentine's day with a little bouquet of frost flocked rose hips the birds haven't eaten yet. I mean, roses are a big thing for Valentine's Day, right?
A nosegay of curly dock with hoary crystals adorning the stems also seemed appropriate for the day. Most of the seeds have been collected - probably by field mice and voles (maybe taking them home like sweet treats for their sweeties?).
How about Queen Anne's Lace seedheads covered in ice?
My favorite may be the red sumac berries with white, frosty accents. They'd make a beautiful Valentine bouquet, too.
Sunrise painted the undersides of the clouds with pink and gold.
Finally, a tiny, frosty nest stood out in this autumn olive, without leaves to camouflage its location. Somehow, it still looks cozy, even though it's very cold outside.
I hope your Valentine's Day is cozy, too, and filled with love. Piper and I will find a way to celebrate the day together. It's always good to celebrate! :)