This past weekend was just beautiful! I enjoyed several long walks, as well as doing a little bit of puttering around the yard. I also had the opportunity to test out the zoom feature of my new little camera, with the cooperation of these curious deer. It looked like a doe and her two adolescent fawns (babies from last May). What fun! I'm looking forward to trying to catch some of the birds in my area, as well as other fauna and flora. I find that my imagination simply boggles when thinking of the possibilities for carving from nature!
You saw "The Lego Project" out in the garage in the previous blog installment. This is the studio/packing room that my sister helped me reorganize and reclaim while she was here. My day job schedule and the holiday hustle and bustle had caused a disaster area here and it not only got cleaned up, it got a complete make-over! My sister is wonderful!!
We moved the packing table along with lots of supplies and the PZ Kut prep cart, went flea market shopping and found new storage systems (some with great folk art paintings on them!). We also moved a huge shelving unit that was a ratted mess and I had to go through everything and organize it (or throw it away!). I now have a much more open and pleasant work area to stamp invoices, pack orders and even stamp into the occasional PLB!! On the table, there are stamped invoices ready and waiting to be taken to the storage area and have me pull the items people want from inventory.
Of particular note, of course, is the AQ calendar on the wall in the upper right-hand corner of the photo. :)
Did you think I had forgotten the blog? Not a chance! I just got swamped with work and holiday happenings. Now, I'm back and raring to go!!Of course, I had to go buy a little digital camera, in order to share pictures of life at Stampeaz. I finally took the time to sit down and read a little about what the camera can do. So, what is this photo and why did I take it? This is what my sister dubbed "The Lego Project". I use recycled materials almost exclusively when packaging orders (the main exception being the USPS boxes and envelopes, themselves). A good friend who installs computer hardware and systems for the state of Missouri saved the packaging for a major printer upgrade and brought it by for me to recycle. We just took it out of his car and tossed it into the garage, since it was cold, and it sat there in a huge jumble, taking up most of one side of the garage. While my sister was visiting, she got up one morning and started stacking. The pieces fit together amazingly well and stack all the way to the garage ceiling with surprising stability! When the second installment was dropped off, I immediately added to the "Lego" pile and the resulting tower just made me grin. It seemed like an appropriately silly way to start blogging again and really does provide an accurate window into the workings of Stampeaz! I wonder how long it will take me to use this!! Stay tuned...